Experienced Training Professional
Bob's theatre-based training techniques create a unique atmosphere for learning. His team-building activities have been developed through years of experience with the bonding required of a cast and theatre ensemble, activating personal presence, believable communication, credibility and emotional intelligence.
His experience with relaxation methods and body education, combined with his 15 years as a Managing Director in the business world, creates the stage for powerful work with stress management, time management and personal productivity for your corporate programs.
His travels around the world have created a high cross-cultural and global awareness and sensitivity which is evident in all of his courses, and can offer important perspectives on working in China and throughout Asia. Creativity, leadership and professionalism weave throughout his high quality work.
Sample Course: Intercultural Communication
“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”
Dr. Martin Luther King
You step into a new “world” once you immerse yourself and live with people from other countries and cultures. Some leaders do not survive. Some thrive. It all depends on developing your cultural sensitivity. When everything becomes either too “foreign” or non-understandable, it is usually because you are only able to view the new cultures through your own culturally biased lenses.
That’s a shame, because the future of the world depends upon our ability to communicate effectively across cultures. To be fit in the 21st century, individuals, companies and educational institutions must incorporate cultural awareness and sensitivity into their relations, strategies and structures. You need to understand the other person, the cultural context you are operating in and how the person is likely to respond within the context. Culture is the foundation of communication, and communication transmits culture. Intercultural communication is now considered an essential leadership competency. You simply cannot survive in the global economy without effective cross-cultural communication skills.
This workshop will cover the foundations of intercultural awareness and communication, understanding your own cultural background, looking at variables across cultures such as ethnicity, religion and social systems which may be different from your own, and examining national cultural values and their effect on behaviour and communication.
We will also explore differences in working cultures in Asia as might be compared with in Germany and Europe. What to be mindful of, how to expand your understanding and awareness, and how and when to adapt and be flexible, are all issues and strategies which will be discussed.
With intercultural training you will dramatically improve your ability to communicate and get the desired results, avoiding mistakes and misunderstandings common to those not prepared.
While there have been countless faux pas, mistakes and stories ranging from the humorous to the embarrassing to the intimidating, you’ll find that working, speaking and communicating with people from other cultures enriches, enhances and engages our lives. It is well worth the journey!
Understand elements of cultural awareness
Review levels, layers and circles of culture
Examine cultural variables and national cultural value dimensions
Explore the communication process across cultures
Practice intercultural communication effectiveness in situations which may arise among the diverse groups represented in your organisation or with others you may work with
Apply attitudes and skills for intercultural communication
9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Your Culture, Your Story
1. Our commonalities and our differences
2. Defining culture
3. Sharing your story
4. Levels, layers and circles of culture
5. Cross-cultural sensitivity as core competency
6. Habits and their control of our perceptions
10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Morning Tea Break
10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Developing Cultural Sensitivity
7. Self-defeating cultural attitudes
8. Cultural blind spots
9. East-west variations in communication
10. Variations in communication based on participants’ experiences
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 – 3:15 p.m. Cultural Values Dimensions
11. Proxemics, handshakes and building rapport
12. Understanding national cultural values dimensions
* Power distance
* Uncertainty avoidance
* Individualism vs. collectivism
* Masculinity vs. femininity
* Long-term vs. short-term perspective
* Monochronic vs. polychronic time orientation
* High context vs. low context
13. Improving communication effectiveness in the business context
3:15 – 3:30 p.m. Afternoon Tea Break
3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Intercultural Communication Effectiveness
14. How the dimensions affect communication in different countries
15. Dynamic tensions in business communication: working culture differences
16. Virtual communication on cross-cultural teams
17. Attitudes and strategies for the cross-cultural communicator
18. Cultural adaptability
19. Working in the global context
20. Review and wrap-up